New Feature of myLists Shows Quotes

Including price quotes, the tool brings all BOMs to one place.


To improve efficiency in placing orders Digi-Key Electronics’ myLists tool has now included price quotes. Users can now efficiently upload lists of up to 1,000 parts. Stock checks, instant secure pricing for 30 days, colleague collaboration and order placement can all be done in one place.

A modern parts list management tool, myLists brings bills of materials (BOMs), price and availability lists, and quotes to one place. 

Increased functionality, ability to set preferences for preferred package types, duplicating an expired quote to update pricing and the capability to quote 6 quantities per part number are few of the new features included. 

“We are excited to introduce a unified list experience for Digi-Key’s myLists users,” said Linda Johnson, executive vice president of operations at Digi-Key. “Digi-Key customers can now work smarter, not harder, by using myLists’ quoting functionality to keep everything in one convenient location, create multiple quotes from one list of parts and easily convert quotes to online orders. This enhancement is just one of the many ways Digi-Key is continually improving the customer experience.”

A brief overview and demo of the tool was presented by the company on a webinar on the 25th of May, 2022. The recorded session can be viewed at  here.



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